Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mini Quiche

I needed to do a little therapeutic cooking. I dug through the fridge and drug out some ingredients that were getting ready to go bad and decided to see what I could do with them.

I chopped up a cup and a half of mushrooms and added one chopped shallot.

Then I sauteed them in a pan for about 3 minutes with a tablespoon of olive oil. Just enough to make them a little tender.
 Then I got out 5 eggs. Don't they look cool? The Circle of Eggs. Like the Circle of Life but with more cholesterol and less Elton John.
 I put the mushroom/shallot mixture in muffin tins. I only had enough for 7.
 Then I whisk the eggs with 1/3 whipping cream. I added about 3 pinches of parsley and a teaspoon of minced garlic. I should have added salt and pepper but I totally forgot about it.
 A little sharp cheddar and feta went on top of the mushrooms and shallots.
 Then the egg mixture went over the top of that.
 I put them in the oven at 350 for 25 minutes. During this time I read People magazine. Selena Gomez went to the hospital for malnourishment. Hey Bieber, get your girlfriend a hamburger or 10. As I was reading this I remembered the salt and pepper and sprinkled some over the top.

They really only needed to cook for about 20 minutes. 
 They were a little hard to get out of the pan. Also really could have used some salt and pepper mixed in. I enjoyed them though for a light dinner.

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